My name is Kim and I have a very unique job. I run a phone sex company. Lots of people might frown at my occupation and I understand it is not something most people would want to do. After all phone sex has that “uncomfortable” word that people whisper at night, after drinking too much… Sex… Come on, say it as if you mean it: sexxxxxxx…
I have been doing this for several years but I hadn’t trained for this particular career. With an MBA in business administration, who would have thought that this timid, unassuming woman would one day drive men (and some women) wild with desire… just by talking to them.
With a background in business, such as mine, I learned all there was to learn about metrics, and when it comes to my company, I have metrics about just about anything.
It’s amazing how much you can learn a lot about metrics in any business, let alone in one that specializes in live cheap phone sex. Metrics can put a dollar figure into your business but they can also show trends, which is pretty cool since, if taken into consideration can lead to even more business.
Here is one such trend for example which I have applied to my cheap phone sex numbers. With all that’s been going on with gay marriage and the rights of gay people to marry one another, we, as a business are getting more and more gay men calling our specialized lines. There is sub group however, within that group that is really intriguing: Married Gay or bisexual men
These men are married to women, they love their wives and have no intention of leaving them, or cheating on them and yet find themselves having to deal with sexual urges that are not always compatible with an heterosexual society.
And more and more of these men are calling our lines and the interesting thing is that when they do, the majority of them ask to speak to women, rather than to men. Perhaps they are shy and want a safe environment to explore their sexual orientation, or perhaps they feel more comfortable talking to another woman. Whatever their reason, they do call.
I have another metrics within that group… The percentage of these men who call behind their wife’s back or with their prior approval. I am not going to share that with you though. 🙂